Holy Sacraments
COSS asks for a suggested donation, rather than setting a specific and required contribution amount. Members are welcome to donate more, or less than the suggested donation. As a good practice for nonprofits it is common to ask for verification of financial status when a person opts for the “sliding scale” option, and COSS members who donate nothing at all, or significantly less than the suggested voluntary donation may, or may not be required to submit financial status verification, such as W2 tax forms, a bank report, pay stubs, employment history, etc.
COSS desires to employ the biblical concept, “To give as freely as we receive,” and the concept taught by the Teacher of Paracelsus, Solomon Trismosin, to provide sacraments, such as the Philosopher’s Stone & Holy Tinctures to people in a charitable fashion. The amount of donations received determines the amount of people we can serve, and how well we can serve each person. A suggested donation is listed with the sacraments as a way to assist members who are deciding how much to contribute.
The suggested donation system is in place so that people who need to receive a serving or two of Manna or a serving or two of Acacia may do so, and so COSS can ensure that money is not a barrier between people and the sacraments. Requests for large amounts of sacraments for little to no donation must be accompanied with a 500-1000 word report, on why the request is being made and how fulfilling the request serves the greater good. COSS reserves the right to approve or reject any request for sacrament whether one donates or not. This due diligence allows us to adhere to the Biblical & Paracelsean concept of giving charitably, or giving, as equally as we receive, and ensures that everyone who needs a serving of sacraments may receive one.
COSS provides sacraments to members for their convenience, as requiring members to take time off of work, and spend over a thousand dollars on airfare and a retreat for only a few sacraments sessions, or ceremonies is not the most economical and practical option for most people who adhere to this path.
We recognize the sacredness of these sacraments and the gifts they offer mankind. Naturally, it feels improper to put any price, suggested or not, on invaluable sacraments such as these. However, to integrate these ancient sacraments into the modern age sometimes we must work within the already existing structures in place. We do not live in a tribal village where the medicine men and women are supported and welcomed by all members of the community in exchange for their shamanic services and offerings. We live in America where money is a requirement to continue producing and providing these sacraments. We are aggressively researching and developing ways to offer these sacraments freely to all people, but to get these sacraments into peoples hands now, not tomorrow, we must receive contributions to keep the mission going. Know that, to us, it is of utmost importance that we succeed in creating a system for these sacraments to be forever free for all people.
We work on this mission because we know that our species is in dire need of what these sacraments offer. We do not work for personal profit or gain as our interests are in mission success, first and foremost. It doesn’t matter what the risks are or if we were to make pennies per hour or millions per hour, we work on this mission because we know it can provide solutions for many of the problems that plague mankind. We have the data to support that claim, but as always we will look at and consider any factual data that contradicts our own.
When you contribute to COSS you are supporting an organization that stands to protect our God-given religious liberties and will always work diligently at achieving greater human rights for all. You are investing in a cause that we believe will make a positive impact on all future generations and will ease suffering across the globe for at least the next thousand years.
The lost Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge are no longer lost or hidden. Manna is no longer a mystery. They are some of the most precious and remarkable gifts this world has to offer us. Do not abuse their gifts or live unethically unless you are prepared to be held accountable on a level that no man could ever hold you, but know that the spirit these sacraments connect you with will also forgive you and teach you on a level that no man ever could.