A call to Action
Dear members and supporters of the Church of Sacred Sacraments,
I am writing to you today to ask for your continued support in helping us grow our community and expand our services. At the Church of Sacred Sacraments, we are dedicated to promoting spiritual growth and cultural awareness through the use of earth-based psychedelic sacraments, indigenous teachings, and sustainable living practices.
One of the most important aspects of our community is our fellowshipping and growing prayer network. We are committed to creating a welcoming and supportive space for individuals to connect with each other and deepen their spiritual connection. We offer regular prayer and meditation sessions, traditional indigenous ceremonies, and educational programs to help members of our community grow in their faith.
To continue providing these services, we need your support. We are currently seeking to hire a couple of part-time employees to help us expand our offerings and provide more comprehensive support to our community. We are also in need of additional offices to accommodate our growing community, and we are actively seeking to acquire new space. Our expansion and three-year growth plan will be its own page on the website soon. We will send out a newsletter alerting our fellowship when it's up and viewable.
Your donation will help us to continue to provide a welcoming and supportive space for individuals to connect with each other and deepen their spiritual connection. We are committed to growing our community and expanding our offerings to better serve the needs of our members.
We are grateful for any donation that you can make, and we thank you for your continued support of our mission.
Brad M. Smith
Founder, Church of Sacred Sacraments